Exceeding Organic

Exceeding Organic is a vegetable garden behind your house; our garden is a strip of land in the northern Atlantic, called Iceland.

Exceeding Organic is an unspoilt island, far from industrial pollution, which respects the rhythms of nature.

Exceeding Organic is two factories maintaining local sourcing, just a few steps away from the island’s fishing boats and pristine pastures.

Exceeding Organic is animals free to roam in boundless meadows and pure, crystalline waters populated by a rich variety of fish, including sea trout, a species which lives only in transparent waters without any pollutants.

Exceeding Organic is people who look beyond, aiming at a sustainable environment, today and in the future. Exceeding Organic is food born in Nature, preserving its freshness and healthiness right up to the moment it enters the bowl.

— Forza 10